
Protocol & FAQs


Digital Detox 5-Day Protocol

Life Expansion & Wellness Program, the best kept secret to healthy longevity!

Breakfast Revive Tea
1 oz Tigernut Crackers
3 Digi Detox Pills
Superfood Vegetable Quinoa Stew
1 oz Sunflower Seeds
Detox Herbal Tea
Portobello Mushroom Quinoa Soup
1 oz Kalamata Olives
1 oz Cranberries & Elderberries
Rest Well Tea
3 Digi Detox Pills
Breakfast Revive Tea
1 oz Tigernut Crackers
3 Digi Detox Pills
Campari Tomato Parsley Soup
1 oz Pumpkin Seeds
Detox Herbal Tea
Superfood Quinoa Soup
1 oz Kalamata Olives
1 oz Blueberries
Rest Well Tea
3 Digi Detox Pills
Breakfast Revive Tea
1 oz Pumpkin Seeds
3 Digi Detox Pills
Superfood Vegetable Quinoa Stew
1 oz Sunflower Seeds
Detox Herbal Tea
Sweet Pepper Quinoa Soup
1 oz Kalamata Olives
1 oz Cranberries & Elderberries
Rest Well Tea
3 Digi Detox Pills
Breakfast Revive Tea
1 oz Tigernut Crackers
3 Digi Detox Pills
Campari Tomato Parsley Soup
1 oz Pumpkin Seeds
Detox Herbal Tea
Superfood Quinoa Soup
1 oz Kalamata Olives
1 oz Blueberries
Rest Well Tea
3 Digi Detox Pills
Breakfast Revive Tea
1 oz Tigernut Crackers
3 Digi Detox Pills
Sweet Pepper Quinoa Soup
1 oz Sunflower Seeds
Detox Herbal Tea
Portobello Mushroom Quinoa Soup
1 oz Kalamata Olives
No Snack
Rest Well Tea
3 Digi Detox Pills

Frequently Asked Questions

The Humanity Upgrade Digital Detox Kit is a 5-day Cellular Reset Program and the best-kept secret to healthy longevity. It reverses digital-age toxicity by promoting cellular rejuvenation, DNA vitalization, fat loss, and stem cell activation all while conserving bone and muscle mass. Digital Detox is based on two major breakthroughs in healthy longevity technology. These technologies have broad applications to our overall wellness and vitality. They also offer the most effective way to counteract modern-day “toxic electrical energies” – EMF, ELF, and RF. The scientific evidence is undeniable: these environmental threats could have the most devastating health effects in history. Humanity Upgrade Digital Detox offers the only reliable solution to digital-age toxicity.

Digital-age toxicity has the nascent potential to be the greatest health crisis in history! This is not hype or hyperbole; it is where the science is leading us. Please read Toxicity in the Digital Age for a deeper understanding of why this is such a critical issue. With advanced technologies, medical breakthroughs, public safety and food abundance, you could easily posit life expectancy in America should be skyrocketing. The opposite is true: life expectancy has declined three years in a row. Humanity Upgrade is committed to helping you reverse this trend.

There are many factors that go into your decision to do a digital detox following your first five-day program, these include:

  • Environment – people who are constantly exposed to toxic energies should do a digital detox monthly, these include: power plant workers, hospital employees, frequent flyers (more than twice a week) and shift workers.
  • Achieving your Ideal Weight – once a month until you achieve your ideal weight.
  • Digital-Age Toxicity – is pervasive and affects every aspect of your life. Unlike most toxins, you cannot avoid toxic energies. They have an immediate, unfiltered and cumulative impact on your health. If you are healthy and able to limit your exposure, we recommend four times a year – once every change of season.

No, but digital detox it is the best way to lose weight – belly fat is a common form of digital-age toxicity. Obesity is historically a new phenomenon. Your body was not designed to process a constant abundance of food. Food scarcity was much more common than food abundance. Obesity is toxic and related to multiple chronic diseases including diabetes and cancer. Many people are using digital detox to mitigate disease and lessen belly fat.

Some experts predict that within the next ten years digital detox will be how people diet and maintain healthy longevity. One cycle will transform your health. Due to many pernicious and unavoidable direct cellular toxins, we recommend a regular digital detox and repeat hair analysis to monitor your progress.

IF has joined the popular lexicon and is typically misapplied or misunderstood. It is when you limit food intake intermittently. This term is falling out of favor due to its overuse, improper use and lack of specificity.

CR is the prolonged decrease in calories by 30%. This pioneering work by Roy Wolford showed initial promise but long-term compliance was minimal. People who did stick it out showed poor wound healing, decreased immune function and chronic stress.

TRE this is eating according to your circadian clock. The work of Sachin Panda at the Salk institute has demonstrated clear health benefits from restricting food intake to 9-12 hours a day (ideally have your last meal be three hours before bed) – less than eight hours a day has shown to increase gall stones. Some people refer to this as IF; it is actually intermittent eating. This is the natural evolutionary method of eating. A sixteen-hour eating window is unhealthy.

PF is when you have eliminated calories long enough to have created a metabolic shift in your body called ketosis. Ketosis is when you switch to using fat for energy rather than just glucose (glycogen). This is also called beta-oxidation. This must happen on any diet where you are trying to lose weight. Fasting accelerates that process and initiation of ketosis can vary from 8-48 hours depending on multiple factors.


FMD advocates claim that there are significant advantages over water-only prolonged fasting. The FMD is typically a five-day program that precisely titrates calories and macronutrients to allow the user to consume limited calories while still getting the benefits of fasting. Water-only fasting has significant benefits, but must be done in an activity-limited, medically controlled environment. FMD advocates claim the following advantages over water only fasting:

  • Improved compliance.
  • Healthy fats may encourage greater stem cell generation.
  • Although strenuous activity is not advised, you can continue normal daily activities.
  • Spares muscle and bone.
  • Fasting is the only known physiologic interruption of sleep. One night of short sleep has a dramatic effect on health and safety. With an FMD you attenuate the impact on normal sleep cycle.

Fasting is slowly becoming widely accepted by the health and wellness community as a powerful intervention with very little downside.

Yes, constant access to calorie-rich foods is a new phenomenon in our evolutionary history. Eating over a 16-hour period is unnatural, leading to insulin resistance and a host of chronic inflammatory issues. Twelve hours is recommended; there is evidence that nine hours leads to improved endurance in athletes.

Monthly or Quarterly: The Digital Detox Kit is designed to be an essential tool on your quest for healthy longevity. This tool should be customized to your specific needs. Digital age toxicities come in multiple and often covert forms. Read More

Your five-day digital detox is the greatest leverage you have to counteract digital age toxicity. With one five-day program, you have dramatically improved your wellness. Many individuals use this program as their primary tool to restore and maintain vitality. A single Digital Detox has amazing benefits. Our new reality is that digital-age toxicities are growing exponentially. This requires vigilance as well as a regular digital detox depending on your specific needs. Read More

Sleep support indicators – besides your digital detox kit, sleep is your greatest leverage point for good health. Dr. Matthew Walker in his book Why We Sleep outlines in exquisite detail the benefits of sleep and the overwhelming health challenges of poor sleep hygiene. The following are a few examples:

  • Cancer risk – Shift work is considered a carcinogen! Shift workers have a significantly higher risk of cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Four hours of sleep or less create a 70% reduction in the cancer-fighting killer T-cells.
  • Cognitive impairment – Sleep dramatically improves cognitive function. Short-term memory is incorporated into long-term memory while you sleep.
  • Brain detox – The brain has a unique detox mechanism called the glymphatic system. The cells that support your neurons shrink by as much as 60% while you sleep, allowing the fluid around the brain to wash the toxins away. This is important in the prevention of all dementias.
  • Diabetes risk – Your diabetes risk skyrockets if you are sleep deprived. One week of short sleep will dramatically increase blood sugar and insulin resistance.
  • Depression and anxiety – All psychiatric disorders have a sleep component to them and can be helped by better sleep hygiene.


  • Determine your sleep chronotype. Believe it or not, your genes determine if you are a morning person or a night person.
  • Practice good sleep hygiene – get up and go to bed at the same time every day, including the weekends. Depth/quality/duration/continuity: 7-8 hours in a row with regularity constitutes good sleep hygiene.

Avoid sleep aides in favor of cognitive sleep therapy.

Beyond custom nutrition there are some specific nutrients that help counteract the effects of toxic energies:

  • VGCC Stabilizer is specifically designed to stabilize your voltage gated calcium channels which are the target of EMF/ELF/RF energies. There is an added benefit in that 56% of the population is magnesium deficient.
  • Restore vitamin D naturally and effectively with our D3 Amplifier. Vitamin D3 is critical to brain function, bone, muscle and heart health, as well as preventing asthma and cancer. Counteract toxic 5G cellular networks from blocking your skin’s ability to convert Vitamin D. If you reside in northern latitudes or don’t get out in the sun much, you will likely have a Vitamin D deficiency.
  • A Melatonin booster is useful because toxic energies have a direct catabolizing effect on your sleep hormone melatonin.

Humanity has undergone a radical environmental change. Seventy-four thousand years ago, Homo sapiens were an insignificant species of hominids whose numbers may have dwindled to an estimated two to three thousand. We had very little impact on the planet. We slowly crawled out of central Africa, and seventy-four millennia later, we dominate the planet. This transformation occurred in a relative nanosecond on the cosmic timescale. Our motivations evolved, and this evolution informs our lives to this day on a moment-to-moment basis. Safety, satisfaction and connection are still the major drivers of human behavior. The safety and satisfaction needs of most human beings are now being met on a massive scale while connectedness in our modern society is collapsing. Loneliness is an epidemic and a greater predictor of mortality than obesity! It is important that we create communities of common interest around issues that will move our world forward. Combating digital-age toxicity is an idea whose time has come and may be the most important rallying cry of the 21st Century.

We are in the age of transformation. Our society is experiencing an unprecedented amount of change. Change causes uncertainty, stress and anxiety. Automation, digitization and robotics have been eliminating jobs for decades. Artificial intelligence is causing this trend to accelerate, and we could be reaching a tipping point very soon. Andrew Yang (2020 presidential candidate) in his book, The War on Normal People, outlines in compelling detail the upcoming upheavals in the job market and society at large. The growing exclusion of today’s youth, along with the elimination of jobs in multiple sectors of our economy, tells a foreboding story. In previous articles, I have offered a way to mitigate the risks and thrive in the age of transformation (Expansion Mindset).

Humanity Upgrade explores the most vital issues of our time. We are in the midst of the greatest transformation in human history. As we accelerate into the future, it is imperative that we identify the innovative solutions that will bring health, peace of mind, and prosperity. The challenges we face have become global. No longer can we see ourselves as separate from each other, the environment or technology. We must shed the old stories and ideas.

There is a new story emerging on our planet. Humanity Upgrade is committed to helping you identify your “new story” in this rapidly changing world. Together, we will share the ideas and have the conversations that will reshape lives for generations to come. Humanity Upgrade offers a hybrid approach to personal development. You will find relevant content regarding health, science, and technology. You will learn how to live a better life from thought leaders around the world. Humanity Upgrade’s global platform is an idea whose time has come.

Progress has blurred the lines between biology, technology, and psychology. In the relative blink of an eye, we have climbed down from the trees and ascended to the heights of accomplishment. Rapid progress is causing a growing group of people to feel left behind, forcing them to cling to the old stories and ideas that no longer work.

Humanity Upgrade is committed to being a resource that will move everyone forward. Every transformation in the history of humanity has offered unique and unforeseen challenges with amazing opportunities. They forced us to reevaluate everything we thought we knew about health, science, technology, and society. We will help you navigate these new challenges on your way to capitalizing on the amazing opportunities.

Humanity Upgrade offers a three-phase approach on your path to predictable and permanent success.

Humanity Upgrade Digital Detox Kit includes products that are GRAS – generally recognized as safe by the FDA. Some people have experienced minor issues such as lightheadedness, headaches and/or dizziness. These are usually brief, self-limiting and mild in nature. Be careful operating heavy machinery until you know the effects on your body. Do not do heavy exercise or expose yourself to extreme temperatures (ice baths/saunas) for the five days. You can continue normal light activity such as walking your pets, light housework and going to and from work. If you have any further questions, concerns or symptoms, immediately contact your physician.

Rejuvenate with Revitalyze. The customized blend is perfectly formulated to meet your body’s specific functional needs and lifestyle requirements. Our organic farm uses its proprietary Growpol Technology to mix the customized blend of organic, plant-based nutrition. Ingredients are specifically grown vegetables, herbs and spices designed just for you, based on your epigenetic profile. This process allows us to deliver your perfect formula. You will immediately feel the difference and perform like your own version of a world-class athlete.